This article was written by Graeme O’Reilly CA (SA), Chairman of SAICA’s Accreditation and Monitoring Committee, and Chairman of the SAICA Working Group responsible for the development of the 2016 Training Programme. If you were to ask most assessors to tell you what their biggest gripe relating to assessment is, 9 times out of 10 […]
With the latest version of the SAICA Training Regulations about to come into effect on the 1st of January 2016, we thought it an opportune moment to reflect on some of the biggest upcoming changes and consider the extent to which they might have some bearing on the assessment of your trainee accountants. Change number […]
As chairman of SAICA’s Accreditation and Monitoring subcommittee, Graeme O’Reilly (one of our intrepid LTS directors) gets to see where firms generally go wrong in their assessment processes. He recently shared with us his list of the top 3 challenges faced by training offices when it comes to successfully running the SAICA assessment process… Challenge […]
The current SAICA training programme and assessment process were first introduced in January 2010. This training programme was based on the 2008 SAICA Competency Framework, which set out SAICA’s expectations of the competencies that newly qualified CA’s should possess at that time. This Competency Framework was updated by SAICA in 2014, which logically led to […]
We are creatures of habit. Once we get used to doing things in a certain way, it takes a lot to convince us to change these patterns, even if we know we are going to be better off afterwards! There are usually 2 major “fears” that we face when it comes to changing to a […]
After a decade in assessment LTS is again revisiting the way we assess. With the input of various clients, LTS is redeveloping the ANA process. The aim is to simplify the assessment process. Emphasis on the work done by the Evaluators and Assessors becomes increasingly important. It is vital that the decision makers have a […]
The world we live in and the clients we service ask for more than a single solution. With this in mind, the audit firm of yesteryear evolved to a solution house with a multitude of disciplines in different service offerings. The training office of today not only offers training in a single discipline or institute. […]
LTS is proud to announce the partnering with Institute of Chartered Accountants Zimbabwe (ICAZ). After long and careful deliberation ICAZ choose LTS to partner with to provide Zimbabwean Chartered Accountant Training Offices with an assessment solution. From July 2014 onwards all Training Offices within ICAZ will have access to the state of the art LTS […]